Two couples and their single friend, all at different stages in their relationships, deal with the c
《太空部队》第 2 季讲述了内尔德将军和他不被看好的团队在应对人际难题的同时,不得不向新政府证明自己的价值。在重重压力下,这个团队会团结一心还是会分崩离析?毕竟太空部队也只是人类而已。
Two couples and their single friend, all at different stages in their relationships, de
A new season starts with Liz temporarily moves in with Jeff and Audrey, and quickly irritates Audrey
这季将讲到原作小说第5-9本的内容,也将“比第一季更复杂、野心更大”。紧接上季结尾,三姐弟被银行家Poe寄存在普鲁弗洛克预备学校,等待合适监护人,他们会遇见奇葩的同学Carmelita Spats