我们真的了解父母吗 Anouk, 14岁, 在一个观察实践(实习)中发现了妈妈在保险公司工作时的另一个面目. 在成年人工作世界中整整一周的体验将怯懦胆小的小女孩的年轻命运彻底浇灌定型。启蒙,责任,理想
Nostalgic for his glory days, a frustrated stay-at-home dad invites all of his high school Facebook
马切罗(马塞洛•马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰)是某杂志的专栏记者,他曾试图成为一名作家但是事与愿违,只得终日为明星绯闻奔忙。马切罗经常出席一些社会名流的交际酒会,于是他暗自
千禧年前夕,笨拙的 12 岁孤女贝芙莉·穆迪(杰玛·布鲁克·艾伦饰)发现了一盘破损的混音带,这是她的父母在年轻时制作的。将贝芙莉抚养长大的祖母盖尔(朱丽·鲍温饰)曾经也是一位少女妈妈,并经历了丧女之痛
Family court judge Clémence lives with Gabriel, who she is very much in love with. However, she is
Zaynab, a thirty-something Pakistani, Muslim, lesbian in Chicago takes care of her sweet and TV-ob
On the day of a local coming-of-age ceremony, a generation of teenagers stumble into the void of sub
Nostalgic for his glory days, a frustrated stay-at-home dad invites all of his high school Faceboo
4 couples, chacun à un stade différent de sa relation amoureuse. Ce chassé croisé amoureux est cri
Nina and Allen split everything in their lives after their break-up and must compete in a ridiculous